News Archive
- March 11, 2010
- March 23, 2010
- May 27, 2010
- August 14, 2010
- September 27, 2010
- June 6, 2011
- January 8, 2013
March 11, 2010
It has been one week since the official opening of the site, and it’s been a busy week. Since the original posting, we’ve improved the installer scripts to include multiple shortcut options and uninstall features. We created a Facebook page, so that we can provide regular updates like this one without annoying e-mails that nobody reads. And, of course, we’ve got some more games:
- Commander Keen: Keen Dreams
- Doom
- Sim City
- Wolfenstein 3D
Remember you can get the games you want by sending your requests to [email protected]
We tracked all the traffic to the site for the first week. the numbers haven’t been huge, but the distance is astounding. In 7 days, we’ve been hit by 20 US states and 15 different countries. Thanks to everyone who is reading this. You are helping this site become self-sustaining.
March 23, 2010
First things first, the new games:
Welcome to all the new visitors. We’ve seen an increase in traffic since the links went up on Wikipedia’s Doom and Commander Keen pages and we’ve started moving up in Google search priority.
We also repaired a glitch in the Doom installer so now the icon features the a Doom logo instead of a white page. We now have navigation links on the longer pages. You may notice that the download links also feature a download confirmation page. This allows us to track the downloads.
I’ve heard from one visitor who had trouble installing the games. If anybody has any problems, we’d love to hear about it so we can help you fix them and prevent problems in the future. Thanks for helping the cause!
May 27, 2010
After a long absence, we’ve got 3 great new games finished:
A special thanks to Christian for the Liero request and to Timothy for pointing out Word Rescue. We have also improved the site’s search engine optimization and corrected an embarrassing misspelling of Linux. This site’s nerd cred plummeted before the correction.
For those of you with 64 bit Windows, We have figured out the problem, and found two possible solutions. We just need to test them. If you’d like to help, please download this new version of Duke Nukem and test it on your 64 bit computer. Then send us some feedback at [email protected]. Does the icon show up correctly and does it work with no tweaking? Thanks!
August 14, 2010
One more semester is over for the site creator, so the next 6 weeks are the happenin time for DOSome Games. If you have game requests or suggestions about the site, now is the time to speak up ([email protected]).
We also have a new Stumble badge. Hit that and tell stumble how great this site is so more people can find it and love it. Thanks a trillion, everyone.
September 27, 2010
Two new games up: Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure, and Hexen. Also Fixed the embarassing open tag in IE.
I need somebody with Windows XP to test Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure and make sure it installs and plays and shows it’s icon like it should. Send me an e-mail to [email protected] to tel me how it went. The first one to do it gets Commander Keen 1 for FREEEEEEEE!
(just like everybody else. shhhhhh…)
June 6, 2011
BIG NEWS: All DOSome Games are now both 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. Yeeahyuh! *overzealous fist-pump*
This kicks off the a new season of improvements and additions to DOSome. So tell your rich friends with fancy 64-bit Windows machines to come enjoy some old-fashioned fun and donate while their here.
Some more games are on their way and some small changes to the site. So play hard and watch for updates.
January 8, 2013
Yeah, it’s been a while. And I haven’t done much. But I have done SOMETHING!
The fact that this site still exists is pretty impressive considering I’m a busy grad student with a new baby. But because I was working on my design portfolio and Sustainability blog (yeah, it’s still half finished) and got slightly sidetracked, I do have new social networking buttons on each game page. So now’s the perfect time to tell all your “friends” about cool free games. Go find your favorite and share away!